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Τρίτη, 5 Ιανουαρίου 2021

We are proud every time Additive Manufacturing is used in order to support the Medical Industry.

We also feel happy when 3D technology is used to make people's lives better!

Nowadays, the Medical sector has increasingly relied on 3D printed skulls to prepare for surgery before proceeding with challenging situations, such as treating adults that have suffered from severe trauma caused by violent accidents.
The first step is obtaining personalized data taken from a computerized tomography, commonly known as a CAT scan, to make an electronic 3D design of the patient’s skull. The next crucial step is printing the skull in a three-dimensional, life-size model. The print is used as a 100% accurate model so that the surgeon can practice the procedure.
This translates to faster operation times, smaller incisions, less blood loss and of course elimination of uncertainty. The skull was created by using an #XYZ Printing PartPro 150xp 3D printer from ANiMA’s well-experienced engineers.

😊 Well Done ANiMA team!